Pacific Ocean Paddlers website had been compromised via an outdated extension. We recovered cleaned and restored the site. Then had the site removed from various black lists.
Additional security features have been added to the site to make it more secure.
Topfab found it was time to upgrade their site which was originally developed in Joomla V1.5.
Together with upgrading the site to latest version of Joomla to make it more secure we provided:
- Responsive template to make it mobile friendly.
- Added a ecommerce application to allow it to be used as a catelogue of products and allow products to be managed as different categories and suppliers so products can be presented to visitors based upon different navigiation path.
Channel View Lodge returned to NZJoomla after a couple of years and two different web site service providers.
Orginally had their site setup by NZJoomla, but were "offered" an incrediable SEO deal where their site would magically obtain a massive increase in number of hits. This never evenulated so they moved their site to another provider, but after months of not getting any enquiries via their site. They asked NZJoomla to review the site, incrediably we found the email address missing from the contact form also the site had been built using a version of Joomla which hadn't been supported for 12 months so should never have been on that version.
Since migrating back to NZJoomla they have started getting enquiries again.
The original site for this Crystal Clear Studios was hosted in South Africa. With the move of her business to New Zealand Amanda wanted to ensure support was provided locally. Interesting when the site was migrated to our servers, we noticed an issue - and asked if Amanda had ever reached emails through the contact form on the site. Not one in three years - the reason incorrect email address in the contact form. It was then noticed that that old articles and the email address referred to another business very similar to Amanda's, it appears the site was originally setup for some one in a similar type of business with a slightly varied template. But critical important aspects of the site were not changed or correctly tested.
With any new site - test the contact forms and email addresses on the site!!
Waimea College site was comprimised due to an out dated component. At NZJoomla we recovered the site and restored it, while removing the insecurities on the site.